
Why the hell have we changed to English?

Thus, here we are collecting suggestions for alternative program for at Powerpointkaraoke:

Wichtig: Teams für das Bierpong Turnier schonmal im Teampad eintragen:

Für die Social-Media Awareness:

Hashtag des Abends: #FUSuffSause 

Auf Twitter bitte auch die Geolocation sharen!

    Please fill in and add little description. s

    - Was there Pad from last year werewolf not someother ideas? My, did since 
    the debriefing what not added a little something, or even the 
    Brainstorming before Christmas '13

PONG or WORMS übern projector as a break program who organize wills?

Original idea by Arik

Is gebongt takes place !!!


We combine the raffle with the audience Taboo!

Who wants abhohlen its price must first represent something and get it Phantomimisch Only When it is guessed. When the term was too difficult, there is a nines, And When it does not work for the 2nd time, there is a very very simple in the third term, so did the person gets the prize quietly .

We collect strange statements Which are then givenName to the Participants, and then must be proved with mathematical precision spontaneously and logical infallibility .

Instead of strange things can imagine it but just make random noun in relation. (Roll for random on NEN Online Duden, or if need be .)

Preposterous Example:
Statement:   apples produce AIDS
Apple's containment vitamins
Vitamins ==> force
Force = Power
Power = money
Money attracts flirts
Flirts ==> Sex
Sex ==> HIV
(Please do not be angry, iff it is politically incorrect, I have spontaneously nonsense ex devised ) 

Can we instead of "women" something "neutral" write?
How about partner * or in random acquaintance or money leads to more flirting, flirting to more sex ...
Flirting like.

Original idea by Anja

W e gather again strange statements like the proof this bullshit, but get 2 people now the statement, and the contrapositive, and must defend in an epic debate :

Ex statements:
Bear, Cuddly Stuffed creature or Bloodthirsty monster?
Eggplant vs zucchini, The Duel
Primes, basis of our world, or unholy work of the Devil ?

Original idea by Anna

The best multiplayer, game of skill (or similar) with short lap times in the tournament on the projector. With the rising popularity of e-gaming and Let's Plays It Should be attractive. In the spirit of nonviolence As far as possible any shooter or fighting games. Wii / Kinect Could be Appropriate. Winner * inside of course in the end get a bite.
Any Goodie for Zuschaue ends shoulderstand So be there, and I still do not know which one.
Game ideas:
Can be made nach the type of scrap elves. We collect together some awards each viewer gets a lot. A random a lot being selected winner will receive the item.
Profits r must upon receipt of the profits eg Christmas poem recite, sing serenade, dance, or a similar task to perform (if possible absurd / amusing tasks and / or profits).
The article of opportunity packaged as did de r winner can not shirk the task so Easily.

The Good Zusfallsgenerator again Provides for voluntary (un).
The * volunteer is first interviewed by the moderator on the department and semester and the expected date of knowledge provided by at Appropriate term, whichwill pantomime guess the taboo-style, by drawing or otherwise way the audience must. Of course there is a time limit (max. 1 minute). Creates * the (un) it represent the notion of voluntary, there is a small price.

We had found that all may be well for the last several years but was always bad. As a game that just an hour would run (2-3 rounds) it would be possible but one probably funny films prepare / find and the whole would not run out of the rudder.

We can also move in a seminar room PowerPoint Karaoke.
Mit den verschiedenen vertretenen Fachrichtungen als kategorie(Informatik, Mathematik, Bioinformatik, Psychologie + "F"U als eigene kategorie(?)).

Wasserball einfach reinschmeißen

be reasonable and nice.
