Draft version for a second declaration of independence for the cyberspace During the 30C3 we try to draft a second improved declaration of independence for the cyberspace. Anyone willing to contribute is welcome to give input for the ideas and to sign the declaration. p.ex. Part I - by John Perry Barlow @ https://projects.eff.org/~barlow/Declaration-Final.html Let's write a 11110 C3 Declaration!! Part II A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace – or Manifesto for an open grid policy or any other idea... Part II BRAINSTORMING SHEET (engl./german please) ‘Peer-to-Peer vs. The Client-Server ’ Get the picture of the military-industrial-complex - --- taxpayer money besides the absurd investment in weapons instead investing in the future of space exploration. WHAT IS THE STATUS QUO OF THE INTERNET? Our objectives: Independence of Cyberspace – What does this mean? Netzneutralität? Or?? How do we can re-establish the individual civil rights again? In which ways can we strenghten individual freedom and privacy in cyberspace? The important role of cyperspace – in which way is it integrated in each ones personal life? Etc. 24 points should be enough. ******************************************************** "Like most people, privacy for individuals and clear legistlation is important, so the laws cannot be bought away by large corporations." "In history, the people always understand the problems of the previous century! It would be great to know the thoughts of the people of the next generation." "Sicherheit ist eine wahrscheinliche und subjektive Größe. Individuell relevant ist somit eher die Freiheit, da es nie 100%ige Sicherheit geben kann. Die Möglichkeiten der individuellen Information, Meinungsäußerung und somit Persönlichkeitsbildung sind eine der wertvollsten Errungenschaften der letzten Dekaden und überwiegen die tatsächlichen Gefahren im Cyberspace bei weitem. Diese Freiheit zu bewahren, sollte eines der höchsten Zeile unserer Gesellschaft sein. Stattdessen scheint der Schutz unserer Grundrechte in der digitalen Welt niemanden zu interessieren. Doch vedient eine Gesellschaft, welche ihre Freiheit gegen einen leicht erhöhten Anteil an vermeintlicher Sicherheit eintauscht, überhaupt noch die Freiheit?" No person should ever be denied a connection if they want one. It is a human right. Some ideas from http://datalove.me/ "No humanoid, machine or system shall interrupt the flow of data" "No entity or system shall intrerupt the flow of data" "Let there be freedom for all people and computers." "The information should/have to be freely available for every person or machine who want to access it" http://pastebin.com/geZqBxbT# How about making it a "Cyberspace Bill of Rights" instead of a second declaration of independance (declaring independance twice is awkward and seems to indicate desolation)? Heck, on could even make it an "annotated bill of rights" -- that old document is good enough and just needs to be put in context.