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Public Pad Latest text of pad Ouide7Nzd8 Saved April 7, 2015


Welcome by Hauke.

Time for Q&A.

Deepak: What's the ra
tionale for bug
fixing for the application? When is the deadline.
Hauke: it's just to make sure you know what you are getting into in terms of tools you will use (Git Github, C...) and community hands-on interaction
You have to do it before 27th of March
It's better to PR before the 27th, and get some feedback already before the 27th
Does not need to be merged before 27th.
David: any pointers on the LWM2M? Found an implementation, but don't know what level of details I should put in my application before the deadline to apply.
Hauke: have at least "Wikipedia" type of knowledge on the subject to get a rough idea, and take a look at the specifications. You just need to know enough to plan your work, and be able to explain this plan in your application. We want you to know what you are getting into. The plan can change underway, but at least there should be a plan at the beginning.
Emmanuel: Try to come up with an incremental approach, break the task in modules to be implemented, and how/at which stages you are going to test for correctness (including interoperability with other implementations of the same protocol running somewhere else).
Dinal: can you give more details on the BLE subject
Hauke: you need to scope your project in your application (BLE). Define your focus (you cannot implement the whole spec within your project, it's too big). For example, I recommend to not focus on the security modules. For example, define your focus on the link layer module and L2CAP module, so these modules can be used as a base.
Alexandru: How many slots RIOT will get?
Emmanuel: we expect between 3 and 5. Depends on Google.
Alexandru: Can you rank projects in terms of importance?
Hauke: They are equally important to us. We will rank applications not so much based on the topic, but more on the quality of the application and on the applicant's engagement in the community.
David: if I make change in the core, how should I test it?
Hauke: test it first on native port (using RIOT as a process in Linux). Once it works, test it on hardware. When you PR, you will have to use Travis scripts as part of the procedure, and this will also test your code. But in general you have to come up with specific tests (e.g. unit tests, example tests) for your code.
David: what happens when Travis fails or build stalls? This happens.
Hauke: if this happens, comment on your PR and try to trigger a maintainer and this should unblock the situation. The Travis scripts can also be run locally on your machine. So a good practice is to first run the scripts locally to make sure the stalling or failing that may happen with Travis is not the fault of your code.
Alexandru: If the technical part of my application detailed enough?
Oleg: yes, granularity is fine. But expect/plan some discussion time on your PRs, that will end up in having several PRs open at the same time in practice, which is fine.
Hauke: Also plan how to structure your code in terms of RIOT modules.
Hauke: As a general advice, don't expect everything in RIOT to work perfectly. You *will* encounter bugs. Feel free to try improve whatever you think could need improvements and never hesitate to file a bug report or ask on the mailing list.
Deepak: Is there another GSOC related meeting planned?
Hauke: So far no meeting is planned, but we could do this spontaneously on request.
Paulo: What's the state of PR 2198? How to proceed?
Hauke: Network stack is under heavy work. Work on network drivers are postponed until the new netdev interface gets stable. The Atmel driver will be hopefully merged soon and can then serve as reference implementation.
Khawaja: Can anyone help me with the intelligent light switches project? Could it be similar to a project with a mobile robot controlled via a web page which also shows some sensor data.
Raphael: Our idea would be to use the framework linked in the description of the project. As I wrote in a mail the framework is still work in progress. So there would probably be a lot of testing and tinkering involved.
Dinuka: Please anyone explain me about the patch requirement.